The Future of the Postal Service — Interview on Fox Business Channel
August 6, 2009CPC's Don Soifer interviewed on the future of the Postal Service on Fox Business. ...
CPC's Don Soifer interviewed on the future of the Postal Service on Fox Business. ...
UNREST AT ROYAL MAIL Facing union pressure, election setbacks, and a revolt by backbenchers in his own party, Gordon Brown's Labor government has abandoned plans to sell off a 30 percent -- originally a 49 percent -- share of Royal Mail to a private bidder. Royal Mail is close to a...
Download attachment(s): CRS_Day_Delivery_Study.pdf...
To listen to Don Soifer on Wisconsin Public Radio's "At Issue with Ben Merens," please download the interview by clicking here....
RECESSION LEAVES NATIONAL POSTS GASPING FOR AIR FIRESTORM OVER ROYAL MAIL PRIVATIZATION A proposal to bring in outside investors to shore up Royal Mail threatens Labour government. In late February, Business Secretary Peter Mandelson revealed that Royal Mail's total pension deficit would be revalued to between £8 billion and £9 billion, so...